
Dr.-Ing. IWE Björn Wiese

Scientist “Materials Design and Characterisation“ (HZG)

Brief description:
Björn Wiese was awarded his Bachelor and Masters degree from the FH Flensburg in 2010 and 2012, respectively, after successfully finishing an apprenticeship as design draughtsman in 2005. During his Masters studies, he additionally completed further training as international welding engineer (2011). Björn subsequently joined the Magnesium Innovation Centre at HZG where he worked on the interaction of CaO and magnesium alloys for his dissertation, which he was awarded in 2016. He further collaborated on other projects in materials research of magnesium. Since 2015 he has been a member of the Institute of Metallic Biomaterials, where he focuses on the development of alloys and processes for resorbable and biodegradable implants.

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