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Dr. Kira Gee

Kira Gee

Dr. Kira Gee

Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1835

E-mail contact

After two years at the Geography and Planning Department, Liverpool University, Dr Kira Gee re-joined Hereon in June 2015 to work on the EU-funded BaltSpace project. Kira has extensive research and practical experience in MSP and has worked in numerous EU-funded projects in the Baltic and European Atlantic over the last 10 years, including KnowSeas (FP7), TPEA (DG MARE), BaltSeaPlan and PartiSEApate. She has a particular interest in the transboundary challenges associated with MSP, as well as perceptions and values associated with the sea and the emergence of energy seascapes. Kira is a member of the International Council for the Exploration of Sea (ICES) Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM) and was co-chair of the ICES Workshop on Cultural Dimensions of Ecosystem Services. She holds a PhD in Geography and an M.Sc. in Conservation.

  • Marine spatial planning (MSP) in transboundary contexts
  • Conceptions of seascape
  • Values and beliefs associated with the sea
  • Cultural Ecosystem Services and their methodological integration to MSP
  • Energy landscapes and seascapes


Logo SeaUseTipp

Dr. Kira Gee is part of the research project SeaUseTip. Further information can be found here: Projects


Land2Sea Logo

Dr. Kira Gee is part of the research project Land2Sea. Further information can be found here: Projects


Logo Coastwise

Dr. Kira Gee is part of the research project Coastwise. Further information can be found here: Projects

She was part of the following research projects:

Balt Space Logo
Spain project
KnowSeas Logo

BaltSeaPlan logo

Logo Coastalfutures
Further information on all research projects can be found here.